Get Ready for eLearning
This free tool provides a self-administered assessment designed to help students evaluate their readiness for online classes. Since 2017, this readiness tool has been used by hundreds of thousands of university students and teachers across the states.
Nine factors with 43 items validated with research studies and statistical analysis.
Less than 10 minutes to gauge students' readiness for online learning.
Automatic and customized reports to support online learning success.
There are several ways to turn eLearnReady into teaching and advising strategies.
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Subscriber reviews

It asks the right questions in a clear, concise manner. Other instruments that I have used in the past have used technical jargon that many students would not understand and have been too lengthy. The eight dimensions hit on the main issues...

The tool appears to be “designed” to “prepare” the student for exactly what they may encounter in an online course. The tool reinforces the pre-requisite skills required while providing very positive feedback in emphasizing the participant’s strong...

This survey helps my students and helps me know where they may need guidance working in Blackboard for class. I like the suggestions provided to help students handle challenges so that they succeed in an online course...

… this would be even better to add to the online orientation students take before even registering for classes in order to have a better understanding if taking an online course is the best option. It takes both an ability to adapt to an online learning style...
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